Hack in Art is my suggestive retrospective to explore, join and understand cybersecurity abstract concepts, using classic and modern artwork, sculptures, and literature. Yes, it is possible!
The concept book involves the reader also in the design of the cover according to the answers of specially crafted sentences according to the book theme using a color scheme and pixel matrix to reproduce an artwork. This is my original book to try another approach to learning cyber security tactics and techniques for Managing Directors, Executives.
The printed version of this particular book has an elegant layout design, drawn by me, and it is also a nice gift and original gadget related to cyber security domains.
My social engineering training course about the human factor in the cyber threats pattern attack: Ulysses the first hacker. According to the Cyber Kill Chain framework, the human factor is leveraged by attackers in the reconnaissance and delivery attack phases: this means that frequently a successful attack is caused due to the lack of awareness by the end-user but also to the wrong posture of the developer and the assessment process to delivery in production hardware and software. Also, procedures and policies could be exploited by an attacker because they could contain unusable tools creating an elusive phenomenon for the user who wants to work and does not run a click-marathon authenticating through multiple security systems!
So in my vision, the role of the human factor in cyber security attacks is not limited to the end-user, but also the security and IT department when putting in place new technologies keeping in mind consultants and the suppliers.
Usually, every single department in the organization seems to run for its achievement: the result is each department is compliant with budget and requirements, but in the overall view the picture changes highlighting cracks that will be easily used by the attacker for social engineering activities against the people of the targeted organization. Be aware!
What are the symbols of the cities founded in Agro Pontino? What tradition are they inspired by? What do they represent? How have they changed over time? These are some of the questions that are answered in this original book "Agraldica" revealing curiosity and bringing the reader closer to civic Heraldry.
Starting from the colors and shapes of the logos of car manufacturers, football teams, through the icons of smartphones and well-known commercial brands, passing through the hieroglyphs and the history of the civic tradition of heraldry, it reaches the symbols of Agro Pontino. Compared to historical research for the study of the so-called "City of Foundation", that of the heraldic type has not yet been considered for the understanding of the city and province of Latina (formerly Littoria), the city of Aprilia and Sabaudia, of the municipality of Pontinia. The essay intends to fill this gap by offering a new perspective, analyzing the symbolic and iconographic dimension expressed in the heraldic coats of arms of the cities founded in the province of Latina on which the artistic and cultural influence of the futurist and rationalist movement reverberated. The results of the original study conducted by me show how in the symbols of the heraldic coats of arms of the cities founded in the former Pontine marshes the peculiarities of these centers conceived from scratch, according to a precise political project, arose in an artificially created and maintained environment, are summarized. orphans - ab origins - of traditions and indigenous peoples.
A research article written with other my colleagues about the Evolution from SOC and CERT to the Cyber Defence Operation Center was published in the Next-generation CERTs (NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme). Emerging alongside the widespread adoption of networked information technologies, cybersecurity incidents represent a significant threat to our common well-being. The institutional construct of a Computer-Emergency Response Team (CERT) began to evolve thirty years ago as a response to security incidents on the nascent Internet. The book is divided into 3 main sections: state of the art; next-generation CERTs; and the experience of CERTs. A number of approaches are covered – technical, tactical, and strategic – which could be applied to both civilian and military environments. Providing an insight into the likely future development of CERTs, the book will be of interest to all those involved in the field of cybersecurity. A business-aligned and adaptive Cyber Defence capabilities, enabled by a clear internal context knowledge and by the Cyber Threat Intelligence is the target to move towards in order to counter face the new challenging and dynamic cyber threats. In an asymmetric scenario, like a cyber security issue, trusted and skilled people, that perform process and use technologies, is the key factor to develop, implement and handle cyber defense activities and projects. The definition of a Cyber Defence maturity model allows for measuring the effectiveness and the efficiency of this new approach.
For 6 years I collaborated on the weekly column that I created for local editions of newspapers to promote the safe and conscious use of new technologies. My idea was to bring people who are less involved in "digitization" and less interested in understanding online services, apps, and new devices. To do this, I thought of inserting the column between local news and sports news, thus making the reader "stumble" in these articles which, with simple language and practical cases, introduce the reader to understand the value and usability of technological products and digital services. I thought of using this approach by observing how in small towns the people who had breakfast at the bar in the morning or found themselves for a beer in the afternoon or for a quick lunch break quickly leafed through the newspaper available to everyone in the room, reading only the title, the subtitle. and dwelling on the image without reading the "text wall" of the article. So I thought as an editorial line to entertain this kind of reader as much as possible with titles and images that would intrigue and guide the reader. The name of the column, written only in Italian, is my invention and consists of two parts: Yoo playing on the misunderstanding of the word "YOU" and the other part of the word "TOO"; together these words in my intention wanted to express the sense of involvement and participation. I create a collection of these articles here available on Scribd platform.
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